We treat any information that is identifiable to you as your personal information, whether or not it may otherwise be available to the public.
The personal information we collect about you comes from:
- Information you may provide on applications or other forms; such as your name, address, Social Security number and dependent names and information.
- Your health care providers through insurance transactions such as submission of a claim for reimbursement of covered benefits.
- Your interactions with us, our affiliates or others concerning your medical history.
- Your employer for the purpose of establishing or updating your eligibility status.
We may disclose the personal information we obtain about you as described above to other health care providers, other health plans, stop loss insurers, nurse case managers, life insurers or other insurers for the purpose of evaluating and paying claims.
We treat the personal information we receive with respect for your privacy. We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about you to anyone except as permitted by law.
The law permits disclosure of any or all information we have on you to companies or affiliates that perform services on our behalf. When we disclose information to companies that perform services for us, it is done strictly to administer your health benefits. Before we disclose any information about you, we require that it be kept confidential and be used only for the purposes we request.
Welfare and Pension Administration Service Inc. is committed to protecting your private and personal information. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to protect your personal information from being accessed by unauthorized persons.
We thank you for the trust and confidence you have placed in us.